5th Public Notice Vacant posts Result 2024 (৫ম গণবিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ)। The NTRCA 5th public notification for the recruitment of about one lakh teachers in private educational institutions published soon. Different oficials of the Non-Government Teacher Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA). It is known that since February 29, zero data collection of private MPO-affiliated educational institutions has started. Data collection ended on March 18. Later, NTRCA gave the time to correct the information of vacant posts. The deadline for correcting information will end on 26th March.
5th Public Notice Vacant posts Result 2024 (৫ম গণবিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ)
According to a source of NTRCA, 96 thousand 806 vacant posts have been found in schools, colleges, madrasas and technical educational institutions. Among them, 42 thousand 866 posts are vacant at the school level. Besides, there are 4 thousand 371 vacancies in college level, 1 thousand 957 in technical and 47 thousand 612 in madrasa. This number may increase further.
An official of NTRCA said that the public notice is initially planned to be published soon. NTRCA plans to release multiple public notices every year to eliminate the shortage of teachers in schools, colleges, madrasas and technical institutes. For this purpose, information on vacancies will also be collected several times a year.